Friday, November 30, 2012


Right,kao sto sam naslov kaze,evo par ilustacija nindzi,jer je to tema sketcbook-a na
upps-u,tacnije jedan regularan nindza,
i dve Marvelove superheroine Elektru i Psylocke,koje su usput i nindze i zato sam ih i nacrtao.
Nadam se da ce vam se svideti.

Right, as the title says, here are a couple of ninja illustrations,for comic forum Upps.
Here are exactly one regular ninja, and two of Marvel superheroine Elektra and Psylocke, who are,by the way, ninjas, so I drew them. So this is actualy fan art and I hope you will like them.First illustration I did in two versions, because I could not decide which I like better.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

 Crtez za moju drugaricu Saru,koja bas voli battle droide iz
Star Wars univerzuma:);)

Dedication for my friend Sara,who happened to like very much battle droids
from Star Wars universe:);)


Monday, June 18, 2012

Ilustracija za kratku S.F pricu Ivice Milarica,``Lazno Budjenje`` koja je obljavljena
u zbirci prica fantastike Srpskog S.F drustva Lazar Komarcic ``Anomalija``.

Illustration for Ivica Milaric`s short S.F story ``False awakening``
in ``Anomaly``a collection of S.F storys published by Serbian S.F.Society Lazar Komarcic.