Sunday, June 5, 2011


This illustration was done for the promotion of the film x-men first class in Belgrade, the distribution company that brought the film in Belgrade wanted  to promote the movie with fan art exhibition of Marvel heroes, and I did this illustration for that exhibition.This is my first fan art of x-men in the complete group.Earlier I occasionally drew Emma Frost, Wolverine and Psylocke just for fun, but here I wanted to try to draw the whole team.
There is also one sketch of
Emma Frost,in Adam Hughes`s style;)
Hoppe you will like it,thanks for looking,
Cao ljudi,ovo je ilustracija za promociju filma x-men,prva klasa,pa su ljudi iz distributerkse kuce crtace da se pridruze promociji filma kroz izlozbu fan art crteza x-men-a,a ovo je moj prvi fan art x-men-a u kompletnom sastavu,ranije sam,povremeno crtao Emmu Frost,Wolverin-a i Psylock,al evo hteo sam da se oprobam i sa citavim timom.Tu je i jedna posveta/skica
u Adam Hjuzovom fazonu.
Nadam se da ce vam se svideti.